Our actions are like bullet, once fired the course and target can not be altered. There is no remedy and no pooja or yagna or Vaastu that can change the reaction. Its some thing like a kid after finishing his exam, comes home and went to prayer room in the house and starting praying, " lord make Mumbai the capitol of India" and continued doing so for hours. His father asked him why he was so seriously praying, He said this was one of the important question today and his pass or fail depends on this answer, the question was " what is the capitol of India " and by mistake I wrote Mumbai, so I am praying to lord Almighty who listens to everybody's prayers to change the capitol of India from Delhi to Mumbai.
What I am trying to say is that whatever is happening in our lives today is a direct result of our past karma or actions, whether they were triggered yesterday, in past few months , years or when were a child. A gentleman came to me for consultation about his brother, who was in jail for selling drugs. This gentleman told me Pandit Ji one other astrologer has asked for X amount of money for doing Maha Mrintunjaya Jaap and he will put 11 brahmins to perform yagna so that my brother could be saved. He further told me another Vaastu consultant asked for $ 30,000 to come and do Vaastu in his house to bring positive vibrations back and get his brother out of jail free of changes.
I had another client recently whose son was in ICU for kidney failure, mother was crying and offered all kind of money so that her son could be saved. She was ready to anything to help her son. I carefully examined her son's chart, suggested her simple remedy, total cost $ 9.00 and tell her to wait for 6 weeks, and of course during next six weeks. she called me 12 times in panic mode to see if I can or need to perform some Maha Yagna to help her son, and my answer every time was, Aunty have patience and continue doing this small rituals and wait for the date I gave you. It was not that easy to console her but I was firm and kept telling her to have faith in who ever she believed in and some how maintain patience.
Her son was released the day after I had predicted with Kidney one more time functioning very well and on path to recovery. She called me several times and thanked me for performing this miracle and her other relative, a medical professional who on the first hand gave my name to mother also called and left a message on my voice mail thanking me for helping her aunt out and saving that young man's life.
The question here is, did I really perform any miracle ? answer is Absolutely Not. Then how did this happen without paying a fortune to some tantrik pandit or vaastu expert who could have turned their whole house and business upside down. Here is the thing, if in a person's chart, if both planets, Jupiter and Venus are in angle or trine and are without any affliction means not aspected by any malefic planet, in their own house or sign or in friendly sign, this is a sure sign of some kind of DIVINE PROTECTION, and it has the power to rescue you of any life threatening or disastrous situation like imprisonment also. So this gentleman with Kidney problem had both Jupiter and Venus well placed and without any afflictions. So I was just honest to tell this mother that right after that temporary evil transit her son would be on the path of recovery.I am sure lots of my readers may have come across friends who experienced miracles after going to pandits and paid hefty amount for rituals. My answer is " They already had the placement of Jupiter and Venus I am talking about, means they had the immunity to overcome those severe problems in their charts. Nobody changed their Destiny. At least I can Not. So next time you are ready to pay huge money to some dream merchant, pandit or so called vaastu expert, think twice. God Bless You All.
One more thing, like a cat has limited number of lives, this Divine Protection can save you only once or maximum twice from deep trouble, not more.
Website: www.parashar.com
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