This is the traditional astrology forecast for the week that starts from the 28th of October to the 3rd of November.
The astro week starts very early on the 28th of October 2019 at 04:38 UTC+1 when the Moon meets the Sun at 4 degrees 25 of Scorpio.
This Dark Moon in Scorpio is not only in the company of the Sun but also with Venus and Mercury. So we do have quite some Scorpio energy calling us this week.
Moon in Scorpio is not a happy Moon because it has to be much more martian and assertive than the Moon would like to be. The Moon loves cuddles and feeling safe not a cold war and hidden daggers.
Scorpio is a Mars ruled sign. However the expression of this Mars is inward and introspective, that feeds on emotions and feelings and once it has locked its path it won't move.
Mars is in Libra, where the ruler of this Lunation is just now brings some detachment from the emotions and want to talk about them. However it is not easy because this is also a frustrated Mars trying to get around obstacles in ways and means that is not usually his style.
Adding to the jarring and uncomfortable feeling is Uranus in Taurus that is throwing unexpected bombs to all of this.
Unexpected is unexpected and it isn't either good or bad. However it definitely jolts us out of our own set ways.
Wherever this Dark Moon is taking place in your natal chart it is calling for an ending and the starting of a new cycle with a whole new angle.
Yes, it is an angle you would only have found because you have been catapulted in it but perhaps that was the only way you could have found it.
The Dark Moon is asking how much do you dare to go deep?
How much do you dare to talk about what is hidden, dark and extremely frightening?
Now are you ready to break free from old structures and take a completely different path?
Just a few hours later at 09:15 UTC+1 what Uranus in Taurus said to the Dark Moon he says it to the Sun.
So the sequence of events is:
First the Moon, our emotions gets the message dare to feel the fear, dare to feel differently.
Then it is the Sun, where we put our focus in life, that gets the same memo.
Remember both Scorpio and Taurus are very set in their ways. So when Uranus says, Hey Sun, it is time to change your ways the Sun in Scorpio is going to jump for sure, but not with joy but with irritation.
It takes courage to face fear and it take courage to change that knee jerk reaction towards fear.
On the 30th of October 2019 at 23:04 UTC+1 Mercury and Venus meet at 27 degrees 36 of Scorpio in a very goth like bar. They whisper to each other strategies and plans.
Mercury brings the thinking, the talking and the planning. Venus puts on the table her ability of bringing together events and people.
Just remember however that Venus is in Scorpio and her way of bringing things and people together might not be as smooth as we would like them to be.
Good day to think about what is going on, what are your goals and what you need to do to make them happen.
Especially because this is the last talk Mercury has before he goes retrograde and starts walking backwards in the zodiac.
After meeting Venus in Scorpio, Mercury decides that it is time to start reviewing some stuff in that Scorpio house.
Mercury goes retrograde on the 31st of October 2019 at 16:41 UTC+1 at 27 degrees 38 of Scorpio.
He will be staying retrograde until the 20th of November 2019.
The piece of zodiac he will be going up and down searching for the truth is between the 27 degree and the 11th degree of Scorpio.
Whatever that part of the zodiac means for you in your natal chart, Mercury is going to unleash his gut intelligence, digging for what feels true and right for him.
Take this Mercury retrograde period to refine what genuinely, deep down feels right for you in that area of your chart. Be ready to take a risk, go deep and face your fears because therein lie your greatest asset.
This Mercury retrograde in Scorpio not only starts with a farewell kiss from Venus in Scorpio but for all the retrograde period Mercury is governed by the unhappy Mars in Libra.
So as much as Mercury in Scorpio is on a solo truth hunt, she will always keep in mind how that truth will effect others and vice versa.
On the 1st of November 2019 at 21:24 UTC+1 Venus finally leaves the dark marshlands of Scorpio to enter the wide and vast moorlands of Sagittarius.
Here Venus sheds her hidden daggers for a bareback ride on a wild horse.
Venus in Sagittarius is a Venus attracted to the great philosophies of life that leave wide open spaces for freedom.
Her enthusiasm about people and things is honest, sincere and blunt, as long as it lasts.
And if you would like to seduce her, take her for a journey where she can explore the world, while safely from a distance, she will explore you between a joke or two.
This is another inward going, potentially frustrating week.
Leave ample space for the unexpected. Do not expect things to go straight.
Be prepared to face your fears and be thrown into a whole new dimension.
Put your boots on and be ready to search for the truth not by intellect but by gut feeling in deep and muddy waters.
So what are your thoughts about this upcoming week and start of Mercury retrograde?
Should you need any guidance on how to navigate these energies I am available for private consultations.
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