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Today In Indian History - Historical Events of India

DateEvent Name
07/27/1887 Sardar Davar Tehmuras Kavasji, social worker and lawyer, was born.
07/27/1889 Branch of Indian National Congress, 'British India Committee' , was established under the leadership of Dadabhai Navroji.
07/27/1910 Bande Ali Khan, great singer of `Beenkar' and `Kirana Gharana', passed away.
07/27/1914 Kalpana Dutta, great freedom fighter, was born at Chatgaon. (27th July, 1914).
07/27/1927 Krishna Baldev Vaid, famous story writer and novelist, was born.
07/27/1928 Rameshwar Sahai Saxena, famous writer, lawyer and journalist, was born at Lalitpur, (UP).
07/27/1941 Japanese forces land in Indo-China.
07/27/1947 Princes were appealed to regard people's paramountcy as a privilege.
07/27/1949 Agreement reached on the ceasefire line in Kashmir.
07/27/1959 Abbas Ali Baig scores 112 for India v England on debut.
07/27/1972 Charu Majumdar, father of Naxalite Movement and the founder President of C.O.I.(M-L), died in prison.
07/27/1982 Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi first visited the US in almost 11 years.
07/27/1986 The Supreme Court orders all-India test for medical seats.
07/27/1991 Army called out in Srinagar valley after an attack on security forces in which 17 persons were killed.
07/27/1992 Amjad Khan, famous film actor, died.
07/27/1993 Rao government defeats the no-confidence motion by 265-251 votes. Seven of the JD (A) vote with government as JD (A) and AIADMK decide to vote for no-confidence motion.
07/27/1994 Parliament votes to ban tests for determining the sex of an unborn child, as these tests have resulted in thousands of aborted female fetuses.
07/27/1995 11 Cong-I and National Conference activists were gunned down in J&K after they were abducted from their homes.
07/27/1998 Gian Singh, convicted for the murder of Sant Harchand Singh Longowal, is sentenced to death.
07/27/1998 B. B. Lyngdoh is sworn in Meghalaya Chief Minister.
07/27/1998 7 Hindus are gunned down in two Doda villages of Jammu and Kashmir.
07/27/1998 The Centre announces a hefty hike in the pay scales of university and college teachers.


Other Historical Dates and Events
11/19/1977Cyclone hits Andhra Pradesh causing flooding and tidal waves and killing 10,000.
09/23/1999India rejects Pakistan's proposal for an international conference on arms control.
05/01/1948Baroda State merged into Bombay Province.
02/19/1992An all-time low turn out of about 30\% registered in the Punjab Assembly polls.
01/28/1933India in Waldorf Hotel in London read out a four and a half page note in Cambridge.
03/13/1947Lord Louis Mountbatten took charge as Viceroy of British India. He ruled upto 14th August, 1947.
06/03/1947British Government issued the partition plan, which was worked out by Lord Louis Mountbatten in New Delhi and was accepted by both Muslim League and Congress. The salient features of the partition were, 1) Provices of Bengal and Punjab to be divided., 2) The Indians will form the constitution of India and it will only be applicable in the areas where people accept it., 3) The province of Baluchistan shall adopt proper ways to decide its future., 4) 562 Princely States shall be free to decide their own future., 5) Referendum shall be held in N.W.F.P. and Assam., 6) The Governor General of both countries shall be the executive head of their respective countries., 7) Military assets shall be divided between the two countries and 8) Red Cliff Mission was setup, to demarcate the boundaries of the two countries. India would become free on 15th August 1947.
06/13/1998India rejects G-8 prescriptions saying they are ''coercive and intrusive'' and intend to freeze the nuclear weapon capabilities of New Delhi and Islamabad.
09/30/1207Rumi, famous Muslim Sufi poet, was born.
07/15/1936Hridayanand 'Kumaresh' Tiwari, great Hindi poet and writer, was born in Reoti, U.P.